Monthly Archives: July 2010

Stuffed Zucchini

Stuffed Zucchini
by Chris

Chris discovered TWO giant zucchini in her garden and created this Menopause Makeover approved meal. The photo shows the zucchini in a 12″ pan – wow, they are big! If you have a couple monster zucchini on hand, this recipe is for you!

Serves 6-8
Preheat oven to 350

2 over sized zucchini, about 10-12″ long. (The ones you missed when harvesting the regular size ones)
3 eggs, beaten
3/8 c Italian bread crumbs
2 T olive oil
1/2 c grated parmesan cheese
1 onion, chopped (next time I would pre-saute the onions. I like them well done.)
2-3 oz cooked turkey breast, cubed. (or other protein source)
Fresh Greek oregano, optional
2 T grated reduced fat cheddar cheese


Parboil zucchini for 15 min

While zucchini are boiling, mix all ingredients but cheddar together in bowl.

When zucchini are done, slice off top by cutting in toward the center of the zucchini not just across the top, put aside.

Scoop center with seeds out of the zucchini.

Scoop any seeds off top wedges. Skin wedges if desired, then dice and add to other ingredients.

Spoon the mixture into the hollowed out zucchini, top with cheddar cheese and bake 30 minutes uncovered.

I did mine in a stove-top to oven skillet so I didn’t have to transfer the soft zucchini to another dish.


Posted in recipes, dinner

CBS-Dr. Klein

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Posted in Uncategorized

Am I going crazy or is it menopause?


Interview with Chrisandra Shufelt, M.D.
Assistant Director of the Women’s Heart Center
at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.

Dr. Shufelt is a certified menopause practitioner and a women’s health expert.

Dear Dr. Shufelt:  I stopped having my period three months ago and I didn’t miss a beat.  No crankiness, no hot flashes.  But now, my youngest is heading to college this fall and I can’t stop crying.  Is this menopause or am I going crazy?

Most women do not experience depression during menopause, but I always screen my patients for it.  Recent studies have shown that if you experienced depression at some prior point in your life, you are five times more likely to have a depression during menopause.  Depression also is more likely if you have severe hot flashes or night sweats.  Please see a healthcare provider  if you have a depressed mood for more than two weeks that is marked by the following symptoms: Overwhelming sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, or suicidal thoughts.

Don’t leave depression untreated, hoping you’ll “snap out of it.”  We are finding more and more evidence that depression is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death among U.S. women.

Another recent finding of interest is that Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin – doesn’t just keep your bones healthy and strong.  Studies are finding that Vitamin D deficiencies are implicated in depression, heart disease and cancer.

Your healthcare provider can check your blood level to see if you are running low. If you are, you may need a prescription form of vitamin D just to get you back up to normal level.  How much Vitamin D do you need daily?  The Recommended Daily Allowance is 1,000 international units.  You can get it from being exposed to natural sunlight for 20 minutes a day, but we don’t recommend that because of the risk of skin cancer.  (A sunscreen of just 15 SPF filters out 95 percent of the Vitamin D in sunlight.)  Food and drink is another source, but a cup of fortified milk only has 100 international units and a half cup of orange juice contains just 45.  Better to take a daily multivitamin.

Send your questions for ASK the EXPERT to:

Posted in ask the expert

Menopause Fitness Tips

Provided by:  The North American Menopause Society

iStock_000006737670XSmallDo you feel like you don’t have time to fit exercise into your busy schedule? You’ll find it easy to find time for fitness with our helpful menopause fitness tips.

Tip 1: Break down those wish-I-worked-out-but-I’m-too-busy barriers

  • Make physical activity a priority. Carve out some time each week to be active and make an appointment with yourself. Write it on your calendar. Try waking up 30 minutes early to walk, scheduling lunchtime workouts, or taking an evening fitness class. Spend some mental energy examining your own schedule and figuring out when it is realistic to exercise regularly.
  • Make family time a physically active time. Plan a weekend hike through a park, a family softball game, or an evening walk around the block.
  • Sneak physical activity into your days. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away in parking lots, and walk in place while watching TV. You can even break those 30 recommended minutes into three 10-minute segments — possibly easier to wedge into busy days and nights.
  • Doing routine chores that involve physical activity is helpful in more ways than one. Rake the yard, wash the car, or dust the furniture a little more enthusiastically. Getting these active jobs done can really get the job done, if you know what we mean!

Tip 2: Settle only for success!

  • Set goals. Set both short-term and long-term goals to keep motivated. Write in on a calendar to make it official.
  • Track progress. Keep an activity log. Include workout activity, length of time exercising, and also record the days a workout was missed, and why. Seeing progress in black and white can help keep you on track.
  • Have fun. Vary your workout routine to decrease boredom and challenge your body. Choosing activities you enjoy will help to keep you going on those days when you really don’t feel like it.
  • Reward yourself. Celebrate every success. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part.

Tip 3: Off the couch, off the tape measure

It takes about 60 minutes of physical activity every day just to prevent weight gain, not to mention lose weight, so get up and get going. Try a bit of gardening, a bike ride, or a brisk walk. At the least, women should be physically active for 30 minutes per day most days of the week. (But even 30 minutes 3 times a week will be rewarding!)

Tip 4: Don’t do too much

While this may sound crazy (or very appealing), exercising in moderation is important. Use common sense! Always start off a new exercise regimen slowly and after checking with your healthcare provider. Following an approved program is one way of exercising to reduce a long list of health risks without adding the risk of injury.

Posted in fitness

Melon Kiwi-Tini

Kiwi is the Kiefer Sutherland of fruits — diminutive yet powerful (what, you didn’t know that Jack Bauer is only 5’8″?). A Rutgers study labeled it one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. While a fraction of the size of an orange, a single kiwi has as much vitamin C and fiber and is among the few low-fat sources of vitamin E (10 percent of the RDA) — all for about 50 calories. Melngailis paired the kick-ass kiwi with the equally sweet honeydew melon, which gives this drink a thick, creamy texture. Bonus: She swears that sake staves off the next-day hangover.

1/2 ripe honeydew melon, flesh only
2 kiwis, peeled
1 oz lime juice
1 oz agave nectar (more to taste)
4 oz sake

Dice fruit. Puree all ingredients in blender on high speed until completely smooth. Add agave nectar as needed, toss in large handful of ice, and blend again until smooth. Divide between 2 large martini glasses and garnish with mint or thin slice of peeled kiwi. Makes 2 servings.

Recipe provided by Women’s Health Magazine

Posted in recipes, cocktails

Blackberry Sunset

Blackberries fare a lot better under the influence than the intern at the company picnic. A recent study found that adding ethanol — the type of alcohol found in vodka — to blackberries and strawberries boosts their antioxidant levels. This recipe gets an extra dose of vitamins from the juice of yuzu ($12,, a citrus fruit popular in Korea and Japan that’s high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

1 medium handful of blackberries, muddled
2 oz yuzu juice
1 oz lime juice
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz agave nectar
3 oz vodka (or sake) Prosecco (or sparkling white wine) to taste

Divide muddled berries between 2 tall glasses. Fill glasses to rim with ice. Combine next 5 ingredients and pour over ice. Top with splash of Prosecco. Makes 2 servings.

Recipe provided by: Women’s Health Magazine

Posted in recipes, cocktails

White Wine Sangria Cocktail Recipe

1 green apple
1 pear
1 orange
1 c pineapple
1 plum
1 c watermelon
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp agave nectar ($7,
1 bottle sauvignon blanc (Melngailis recommends St. Clair biodynamic white wines; $16,

Dice fruit. Add all ingredients to wine in pitcher or punch bowl. Fill wine glasses with ice and pour. Garnish with orange slices. Makes 6 servings.

Recipe provided by:  Women’s Health Magazine

Posted in recipes, cocktails

Sea Salt Edamame

Edamame is a wonderful snack food.



  1. Cook edamame in microwave.
  2. Sprinkle salt over (sea salt is best).
  3. Note: just eat the beans not the pods!

Recipe provided by:

Per serve – Energy: 147kcal | Carb: 11.05g | Prot: 12.95g | Fat: 6.80g

Posted in recipes, snacks

Herbed Salmon Spread

Delicious salmon that you can spread on cucumbers.



  1. Spoon yogurt onto several layers of pepper towels.
  2. Spread yogurt evenly to 1/2″ thickness.
  3. Cover yogurt with more paper towels. Let stand 5 minutes.
  4. With rubber spatula, scoop yogurt into medium bowl.
  5. Add salmon and remaining ingredients except lemon and parsley. Stir well. Cover and chill.
  6. Garnish with fresh parsley and lemon slice, if desired. Spread on cucumbers

Per serve – Energy: 170kcal | Carb: 5.54g | Prot: 22.96g | Fat: 6.30g

Recipe Provided by:

Posted in recipes, snacks

Oat Protein Bars

Easy way to make your own great protein bars.



  1. Mix protein powder, oats, a package of sugar and fat free pudding, and milk together in a bowl.
  2. Spread mixture in the bottom of a pan, and place in the fridge overnight.
  3. In the morning, cut into 8 squares and use like servings.

Per serve – Energy: 50kcal | Carb: 6.30g | Prot: 5.58g | Fat: 0.45g

Recipe provided by:

Posted in recipes, snacks

Asparagus Egg White Omelet

danabook Asparagus Egg White Omelet

By Dana Slatkin

Author of: The Summertime Anytime Cookbook

The trick to making an omelet look like the professionals do is a well-oiled pan and adequately whipped egg whites. Add some diced vegetables from last night’s dinner or your favorite cheese for extra kick. Serve it with fresh fruit, breakfast potatoes or a simple mixed green salad.

Makes 2 omelets

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
6 asparagus spears, tough ends trimmed, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 large egg whites
2 tablespoons chopped chives

1. In a small nonstick pan, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil over medium heat. Add the asparagus and cook, tossing gently, until tender but still crunchy. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, beat the egg whites with a fork until frothy. Add the chives and season the mixture generously with salt and pepper.

3. Using the same nonstick pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium-high heat. Pour half the egg-white mixture into the pan and, using a spatula, quickly draw the edges to the center so that the omelet cooks evenly. Reduce the heat and continue cooking until egg-whites are set but still creamy.

4. Spoon half of the asparagus in the center of the cooked egg-whites and leave on the heat for a half minute or so longer. Using a spatula, fold the omelet toward one edge of the pan, giving the pan a light tap to loosen the omelet. Slide the omelet onto a warm serving plate.

5. Repeat the process for the second omelet. Serve immediately.

Thank you Dana for sharing your elegant and yummy recipes!

Dana Slatkin’s cookbook, The Summertime Anytime Cookbook, can be purchased at The Menopause Makeover Store, click here.

Check out Dana’s website:

Posted in Uncategorized, recipes, breakfast

Roasted Halibut with Fennel-Tomato Sauce

danabook By Dana Slatkin

Author of: The Summertime Anytime Cookbook

Dana’s roasted halibut with fennel-tomato sauce recipe is easy to make and absolutely delicious. This roasted halibut recipe is high in protein, and low in fat. Serve with steamed greens and you have a perfectly balanced meal that is low in calories that will honor your Menopause Makeover.

Roasted Halibut with Fennel-Tomato Sauce

This dish satisfies a protein craving without leaving you lethargic, even on the steamiest night. Don’t be deterred by the long list of ingredients. Once they have been assembled, they can be left simmering on the stove while you relax or prepare the rest of the meal. Toasting the spices for a few minutes in a dry pan over medium heat will intensify their flavors. The result is an alluring light sauce that complements any white-fleshed fish.

Serves 8

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus a small amount for cooking the fish
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 medium leeks, chopped
8 garlic cloves, minced
1 small fennel bulb with greens, chopped
4 pounds ripe plum tomatoes (about 14), seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon fennel seeds, toasted
1 tablespoon mustard seeds, toasted
2 bay leaves
Pinch of red pepper flakes
3 star anise, optional
2 cups white wine
2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small cubes
8 (6 to 8-ounce) skinless halibut fillets (preferably thick)

1. Prepare the fennel-tomato sauce: In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, celery, leeks, and garlic and cook until softened, about 10 minutes. Add the fennel bulb and greens and sauté until wilted, a few more minutes. Add the tomatoes, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, bay leaves, red pepper flakes, and star anise. Add the wine and enough broth to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer uncovered for about 45 minutes until slightly thickened. Strain through a fine- mesh sieve into another saucepan, season to taste with salt and pepper, and set aside. The sauce can be made up to this point and refrigerated overnight.

2. Preheat the oven to 350?F.

3. Season both sides of the fish with salt and pepper. In a large ovenproof sauté pan, heat a thin film of olive oil over medium-high heat until very hot. Cook the fish until nicely browned on one side, about 4 minutes. Transfer the pan to the oven and roast for 4 to 5 more minutes, until fish is opaque at the thickest part (test with the tip of a knife).

4. Return the sauce to a simmer. Whisk in the cubes of butter, one at a time, until incorporated.

5. Ladle a generous amount of sauce into warm serving bowls; gently place the fish on top, and serve.

Dana Slatkin’s cookbook, The Summertime Anytime Cookbook, can be purchased at The Menopause Makeover Store, click here.

Check out Dana’s website:

Posted in recipes, dinner

Chicken Fajita Pita

This next recipe is delicious for lunch
Chicken Fajita Pita
1 serving, entire recipe

3 ounces raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast, cut into strips
One-half whole-wheat or high-fiber pita
¼ cup sliced green bell pepper
¼ cup sliced onions
1 small lettuce leaf
1 teaspoon dry fajita seasoning mix
Optional toppings: salsa, fat-free sour cream

In a small bowl, combine fajita seasoning with 1 tablespoon water, until mixed well.

Add chicken, green pepper, and onions to the bowl, and stir to coat evenly with seasoning mixture. Place bowl in the fridge to marinate for at least 30 minutes.

Once marinated, bring a medium pan sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat. Add contents of bowl, including any excess marinade, to the pan. Sauté until chicken is cooked through, stirring frequently, 5 to 7 minutes.

Place lettuce leaf inside the pita, and then fill pita with chicken-and-veggie mixture. Add some salsa and/or fat-free sour cream, if you like.

Nutritional information per serving (entire recipe)
180 calories
22.5g protein
3.5g fiber
18.5g carbs
1.5g fat

Recipe provided by:  Hungry Girl: 200 under 200: 200 Recipes under 200 Calories.

More from Hungry Girl

Posted in recipes, lunch

Baihian Halibut


  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 4 (1-inch thick) halibut steak halves (about 2 pounds)
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 1 serrano chile or jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 medium tomato, diced)


  1. With a fork, whisk 1 tablespoon of the oil and all the lime juice on large platter, add fish, and turn to coat.
  2. Heat remaining tablespoon oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion and pepper. Cook 6 minutes until onion is translucent and pepper is just tender.
  3. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of the salt over fish, add fish to skillet; pour coconut milk over fish and add tomato. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 8 to 9 minutes, turning fish halfway through cooking time.
  4. Stir remaining salt into sauce, spoon over fish a few times, and serve immediately.

Nutritional Information
Per Serving:

Net Carbs: 5.5 grams

Fiber: 2.0 grams

Protein: 49.0 grams

Fat: 18.0 grams

Calories: 394

Recipe Information:

Makes: 4 servings

Prep Time: 0:10:00

Marinate Time: 0:00:00

Cook Time: 0:10:00

Posted in recipes, dinner

Broiled Salmon With Asparagus

Did you know that salmon is great for your HAIR? Besides being rich in protein and vitamin D (both are key to strong hair) the omega-3 fatty acids found in this tasty cold-water fish are the true superstar. Your body can’t make those fatty acids, which your body needs to grow hair. About 3% of the hair shaft is make up of these fatty acids. Omega-3s are also found in cell membranes in the skin of your scalp, and in the natural oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated.

Other options: If salmon doesn’t thrill you, you can also get essential fatty acids from fish like herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel, as well as avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.

Enjoy this healthy, easy-to-make, Menopause Makeover approved meal!



Prepare asparagus by washing and trimming 1″ off ends.

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350-375 °F (175-190 °C).
  2. Place salmon portions on broil pan and season with Montreal steak seasoning, extra virgin olive oil, paprika, parsley, wine and lemon juice.
  3. Also place asparagus stalks on pan, drizzle extra virgin olive oil on them and season with Montreal steak seasoning.
  4. Place in oven for about 7-10 minutes, or until salmon begins to flake.

Recipe provided by:

Posted in recipes, dinner, lunch

Baked apples

iStock_000013584056XSmall Baked Apples

by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

A delicious desert

10 to 12 servings

This is my hubby’s family favorite!

12 tart Jonathon apples
1-1/2 cups brown sugar
12 tablespoons light margarine (Smart Balance Light)
6 teaspoons ground cinnamon

• Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
• Core the apples but leave the bottom intact, so it looks like a “well” in the apple.
• Prick the apple skins with a fork so the apple can “breathe” while baking.
• Fill the hole with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1 tablespoon of butter substitute.
• Then place the apples in a baking dish with a thin layer of water on the bottom, and sprinkle each apple with cinnamon.
• Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes (10 minutes covered with foil and 10 minutes uncovered) until the apples are tender and begin to caramelize.

You can also add chopped walnuts or pecans to the “stuffing”. And you may want to top this yummy recipe with a low-fat frozen vanilla yogurt.

Posted in recipes, dessert

Endive, Watercress and Pear Salad

Endive, Watercress and Pear Salad

by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

10 to 12 servings

Watercress, 3 large bunches, stems removed
Belgian endive, 3 heads, cored and separated into leaves
Extra-virgin olive oil, 5 tablespoons
Salt and Ground pepper, to taste
White balsamic vinegar (or pear vinegar), 3 tablespoons
3 ripe pears, halved and cored, then cut in half again lengthwise

• In a large bowl, toss watercress and Belgian endive.
• Add 5 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil and toss again.
• Sprinkle salt and freshly ground pepper, toss.
• Pour white balsamic vinegar, or pear vinegar, and then toss.
• Garnish your salad with the pear wedges. Serve immediately.

Posted in recipes, salads

Low-fat Hummus Dip

Pita chip and Vegetable Platter Low-fat Hummus Dip

by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

10-12 servings

2 cans garbanzo beans drained, and save the juice
6 teaspoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons sesame tahini
6 cloves garlic peeled
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

-Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
-Process until smooth, and add the reserved garbanzo juice for a nice creamy texture.
-Serve with vegetables. Bell peppers, celery, cucumbers and carrots make a lovely and tasty presentation.
-This recipe makes it possible to prepare two bowls of low-fat hummus.

Posted in recipes, appetizers, snacks

Roasted Turkey

Big Bird Roasted Turkey
by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

This recipe is perfect for entertaining, or makes a great dinner for two with healthy leftovers.

10-12 servings

12-14 pound whole turkey, giblets removed
A couple sprigs each of fresh thyme, oregano, sage and parsley
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons paprika
Fresh ground pepper to taste
3 small oranges, unpeeled and cut into wedges
2 onions, cut into wedges
1 cup of low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

-Lift up the skin covering the turkey breast.
-Slip the thyme, oregano, sage and parsley underneath the skin.
-Combine the oil, wine, paprika and pepper. Rub this mixture over the surface of the turkey.
-Place the oranges and onions inside the turkey.
Place turkey, breast side down, in a roasting pan. Pour chicken broth into the bottom of the pan. -Cover loosely with aluminum foil.
-Roast for 20-25 minutes per pound, basting periodically.
-Halfway through cooking, place breast side up.
-During last 45 minutes of roasting, remove cover.
-Continue to roast until the leg moves easily and juices run clear.

Let stand for 20 minutes to let juices settle for easier carving.

Posted in recipes, dinner

Chicken Curry Salad

Once you add the lettuce, pita or wrap this meal honors The Menopause Makeover Food Pyramid food ratios of 35% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 25% fats. This yummy recipe helps you fight the menopause midsection and love handles!

Chicken Curry Salad

by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

6 servings
prep time = 20 minutes, allow time to chill before serving

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 spring onions, large
1/4 cup walnut halves, chopped
1 small apple, peeled and cubed
2 cups cooked chicken, breast meat only, chopped
Dash of pepper
¼ cup scallions, thinly sliced

-Puree the cottage cheese in a food processor. Add curry powder and pepper. Mix well. Puree to the desired consistency. I prefer a thicker puree, so be careful not to over-process this mixture.
-Add onions, walnut halves, apples and chopped chicken to the curry mixture.
-Serve on a bed of baby lettuce, or in 1/2 whole wheat pita, or 1/2 a whole wheat wrap.
-Serve chilled. Please note, it is best to make this recipe a few hours before serving. Sprinkle thinly sliced scallions on top.

Calories 193 (without the pita or wrap)
Protein 26.3 grams
Carbs 6.3 grams
Fat 7.2 grams
Fiber 1.5 grams

By using curry, this scrumptious recipe contains enhanced health benefits. Curry is a blend of various spices, with the most common mixture being turmeric, ground cumin, cardamom and coriander. Curry boasts anti-inflammatory properties and can help promote neurological health.

With the addition of other healthy ingredients such as onions, apples and chicken (an excellent lean meat choice), this salad is a healthy yet delicious way to jumpstart your summer.

I like to serve this salad with sliced, chilled pears or apples on the side, and sparkling water with a sprig of mint … yummy!

Posted in recipes, lunch, salads

Baked Breakfast Frittata

iStock_000012678456XSmall Baked Breakfast Frittata
by Staness Jonekos

The Menopause Makeover

The level of protein and fiber will keep you feeling full for hours. This meal honors The Menopause Makeover Food Pyramid–it is perfectly balanced, low in calories and the perfect way to start the day.

6-8 servings
Prep time: 30 minutes

1 tablespoon olive oil
1-1/2 cups potatoes cut in 1/2-inch cubes
1-1/2 cups chopped cooked LEAN ham (8 oz.)
3/4-cup (3 oz.) low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
8 eggs slightly beaten (or two 8-oz. cartons of egg product)
1/3 cup low-fat milk
Chili peppers
2 teaspoons fresh oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt
4-oz. can diced green onions
2 teaspoons of psyllium husks (you can buy this powdered fiber – it has no taste – at a health food store or grocery store like Whole Foods)
1/2 of a 7-oz. jar of roasted red sweet peppers cut into thin strips
1-1/2 cups salsa
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
3 sprigs of parsley

Preheat oven: 350 degrees.

In a 10-inch oven-safe skillet, cook the potatoes in hot olive oil, uncovered over medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally. Then cover and cook for another 5 minutes until tender.

Remove from heat and mix in the ham and 1/2 cup of cheddar cheese.

In a mixing bowl, stir together the eggs, milk, chili peppers, oregano, salt, onions and psyllium husks.
Then pour into the skillet and mix together.
Lay the pepper strips on top of the frittata.
Bake uncovered for 25-30 minutes.
Sprinkle the top with 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese. In a separate pan, stir salsa and cilantro together and heat.

Cut the frittata into wedges, place the parsley as decoration next to the wedge and serve with the salsa mixture.

Serve on a smaller dish with a lovely wine glass filled with chilled water and a twist of lemon.

Calories 196
Protein 17 grams
Carbs 11 grams
Fat 8 grams
Fiber 2 grams

Posted in recipes, breakfast

Roasted Corn & Grilled Chicken Salad

Roasted Corn & Grilled Chicken Salad
by Chrissie

2c brown basmati rice (this is the uncooked measure, cook according to pg directions)
Corn cut from 8 ears (I used canned corn the second time I made this last year)
3T corn oil (to roast the corn [on a cookie sheet 15min], I didn’t use this much and I used olive oil)
3 tomatoes, peeled, seeded, diced (that’s a slippery job)
1 red onion, diced (I used about half. And why aren’t the red onions from the market as sweet as the red onions you get at a restaurant?)
6 green onions, chopped

1 lemon, juiced
1/2 c red wine vinegar
1/2 c olive oil
1 T white sugar
1/2 c minced fresh basil
salt and pepper to taste

Grill chicken breast
Chop chicken
Toss in salad

Posted in recipes, dinner, lunch, salads

Acorn Squash

iStock_000011471958XSmall Acorn Squash
by Jill

I have a GREAT & DELICIOUS new recipe for acorn squash that I wanted to share with my MM girls. Here goes;

2 small acorn squash, halved and seeded.
2 oz orange juice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/16 tsp. nutmeg
Place cut sides up in baking dish, and cook covered in 350 oven for 1 hour.

Mix OJ, cinnamon and nutmeg in pan and cook until bubbly. Drizzle over squash. Return to oven and bake uncovered for 35 mins or until tender. Makes 2 servings.



ENJOY, we did !!!!!

Serve with cornish game hen, chicken or fish – yummers!

Posted in recipes, dinner

Spring Roll Wraps

Spring Roll Wraps
by Jayne

3 raw small baby carrots
2 slices of English cucumber skin on
a few pieces pre-cooked carved Chicken Breasts (heated)
Brown rice or Asian noodles ( I buy Raman noodles and prepare half
a package without the powder – takes 3 mins OR reheat some of the rice I
keep in my freezer) any other veggies you like..
Fresh Cilantro or what you prefer

Makes approx 3 rolls.

Chop all ingreds and combine, at this point, I
just separate into three piles.
Prepare the rice papers according to
the video/instructions on package, and then roll your ingredients into
the wrapper.
I find it easier to place the wrapper on a china plate,
fill and roll it that way rather than using the damp dish towel

Dip into your preferred sauce and enjoy!

Posted in recipes, appetizers, dinner, lunch

Panko Crusted Tilapia

Flakey White Fish Panko Crusted Tilapia
by Charlene


4 tilapia fillets, rinsed & patted dry
1/2 cup melted margarine (low cal)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup unseasoned Panko
1/2 cup toasted finely chopped Pecans
2 teaspoons Old Bay Seasoning
lemon wedge

1. Heat oven to 375%. Spray a baking pan lightly with cooking oil.
2. In a shallow dish, combine melted margarine, garlic powder, and lemon
juice. In a separate shallow dish, combine panko, pecans and Old Bay
3. Dip each filet in butter mixture, then roll well in the panko
mixture. Place filets in a single layer onto prepared pan.
4. Press any remaining panko mixture onto tops of filets.
5. Bake 12-14 minutes, until flaky. Serve with lemon wedges.

Posted in recipes, dinner

Tuscan Kale with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Kalamata Olives

Tuscan Kale with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Kalamata Olives
by TippyJo

1 -1 1/2 # Kale (Tuscan if you can find)
1 medium Onion, diced
1 Garlic Cloves, minced
1T Olive Oil
3/4 cup Vegetable Broth (or Chicken Broth)
1/4 cup Kalamata Olives, roughly chopped
1/4 cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes (rehydrate in hot water for 5-10 minutes; then drain)
1-2T Apple Cider Vinegar

De-stem the kale. (Grasp the stem bottom in one hand and grasp the bottom on the leaf in the other.
Slide your hand with the leaf down the stem. This should peel the leaf from the stem.)
Rough chop the kale.
Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil until tender.
Add the chopped kale and saute for 5-10 minutes until slightly wilted.
Add vegetable broth. Simmer another 10 minutes.
Add in chopped olives and rehydrated tomatoes.
Simmer 5 minutes.

You can add sliced turkey sausage, cooked chopped chicken or top with cooked salmon.

Before serving, sprinkle with apple cider vinegar.

Posted in recipes, dinner

Mardi Gras Pilaf

Mardi Gras Pilaf
by Donna

I sub out the short grain white rice with my Uncle Ben’s converted Brown – basically it’s a parboiled brown rice that only takes 20 min to cook rather than 45.

1 tsp Olive Oil,
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into slices,
1 medium onion, chopped,
1 green pepper, chopped,
2 cloves of garlic, crushed.
Heat oil in nonstick skillet and stirfry these ingredients about 5 min or until chicken starts to brown.

To this mixture add:
1 540ml/19 oz can of black beans (rinsed and drained),
1 398ml/14 oz can diced tomatoes (with juice),
1 cup salsa,
1 cup water,
1 cup short grain white rice, uncooked,
1/4 tsp cumin,
1/4 tsp tumeric,
1/4 tsp cinnamon,
1/4 tsp salt.

Bring to a boil then cover and simmer for about 20 min, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender and chicken is cooked.

Serves six. One serving is 306 calories, 22 g protein, 2.2 g total fat.

Posted in recipes, dinner

Italian One-Skillet Meal

Italian One-Skillet Meal
by Chrissie

Serves 4

2T olive oil
2 tsp lite soy sauce (optional)
1/2 onion, chopped
2 zucchini, chopped (I chop them in triangular chunks)
1 can diced canned tomatoes
15-20 Lil Smokies turkey weenies (or other protein: cooked chopped chicken, turkey, or tofu).

Serve with cooked whole wheat or veg pasta (less than 1 cup per serving)

Heat pan with olive oil and soy sauce.
Brown onions (I like mine almost carmalized. yum) add zucchini and saute to brown a bit.
Add tomatoes and juice.
Cover, bring to a boil, turn down the heat and simmer to reduce juices.
Cook until zucchini is done.
Add weinies or other protein of choice and pasta if desired, and heat through.
The Lil Smokies have good flavor, if I don’t use them I add my favorite Italian seasoning.

Posted in recipes, dinner

Granola Recipe

iStock_000010872447XSmall Granola recipe
by Nancy

1 — 42 ounce container of rolled oats
1 cups of wheat bran
1 cups of wheat germ
1 cup of oat bran
2 cups of a mix of nuts: almonds, walnuts, filberts, pecans, cashews
1 cup of peanuts
1 cup of Sesame seeds
1 cup of Sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of dried, ground orange peel
1 cup of safflower oil
1 cup honey
1 tbsp orange extract (or flavoring or your choice)

Mix the grains and seeds in a large bowl.
Heat the oil, honey, and flavoring in the microwave until it is at a rolling boil (timing varies with size and power of your microwave).
Pour the oil & honey over the dry ingredients and mix well, making sure all is coated.
Bake in a large flat roasting pan at 225 degrees (F) for thirty minutes.
Stir and bake another 20 minutes, continue to stir and bake every twenty minutes until it starts to brown.
It should no longer be sticky.
Turn off the oven and let cool.
Store in an airtight cool place.

Add additional protein powder to recipe OR enjoy with your favorite morning protein serving.

Posted in recipes, breakfast

2-Minute Shrimp Stir Fry

2-Minute Shrimp Stir Fry
by Charlene

24 Medium or Large Shrimp (Frozen from Trader Joes)
I cup broccoli (I use crowns- they cook faster and taste better)
Mixed veggies – water chestnuts, julienne carrots, snow peas, onions or frozen Stir Fry mix
10 Artichoke hearts (not marinated)
10 black olives whole or sliced
1/4 cup toasted almonds
1 tablespoon olive oil
Teriyaki sauce

Saute shrimp in olive oil and garlic to taste, then add veggies and all other items until cooked through.
Season with teriyaki sauce while cooking for 10 to 15 minutes. Easy and delicious. Serves 2

Serve with 1/2 Cup brown rice.

Approx 300 Calories, 18 Protein per serving

Posted in recipes, dinner, lunch